A date for your diary. Come on out over the June 12 – 13th weekend and wander around the Central Coast hinterland for the 2021 Harvest Festival.
Wander on past the CWA branches from the Central Coast who are holding stalls at 3 different venues on the trail.
Among those will be the girls from the Peats Ridge Branch who will be situated in the grounds of the Somersby Gardens. You will find their location on the map. These ladies are selling delicious hot food, devonshire teas, and homemade morsels as well.

Peats Ridge and District branch formed in 1946 and celebrated their 75th birthday in March 2021. Branch Patron, Mrs Barbara Chapman did the
honours of cutting the cake which members enjoyed eating. It was a lovely day and we are proud the branch is still going strong serving the local community.
Per Christine Sanfilippo. Branch Publicity Officer
Recently the women and some husbands of the CWA Mountain branches; Somersby, Peats Ridge and Mangrove Mountain Evening celebrated together with a Christmas gathering to farewell the year. It was lovely to see all the friendly smiling faces enjoying a meal together at the Mangrove Mountain Community Hall. The delicious hot luncheon was enjoyed by all.
A historic photograph was presented to a long standing family in the district. A Trivia game to stretch our minds and memories and a lovely Christmas story read to us by Christine.
With lots of talking, laughing and catch ups it was a great way to end 2020.
Being very aware of social distancing regulations, our members have continued to forge ahead with community projects.
We are meeting every Monday to produce face masks for sale to the public. It is a wonderful chance to have a natter and catch up with members on the assembly line. Please feel free to contact us if you require any face masks.
Our branch cooks are very disappointed that the Group cookery competition has had to be cancelled this year. Christine was sure her delicious fruit cake was a certain winner. Yummo.