The group meet at the Mangrove Mountain Community Hall on the corner of Waratah Rd and Wisemans Ferry Rd Mangrove Mountain on the second Tuesday of the month at 6pm. A second get together is held on the 4th Tuesday of each month also at 4pm for handicraft, cooking lessons and general camaraderie. It has been found that an evening branch of CWA enables working mums and those who are busy running family businesses on the mountain a chance to socialize and meet with other ladies whilst still be able to contribute to the local community.
Our very talented bakers and craft makers love to share their knowledge, recipes and skills with each other. The result of these activities provide an abundance of wonderful home made items for sale at numerous community stalls and functions showcasing the wonderful range of sustainable resources available in the Mangrove Mountain region.
So whatever your interest, we will have something for you.