Upcoming Stalls
Morisset Square 18/04/24
We are conducting a stall at Morisset Square on Thursday 18th April 2024 from 9:00am. Unfortunately, we are unable to sell cakes, slices and other baked goods as there is a Bakery in the same center. However, we are able to sell jams and pickles as well as craft items. We also have ticket for our raffle which will be drawn at our 4 in 1 day occurring in July, date to be advised.
Morisset Bunnings 8/06/2024
Our next stall will be at Morisset Bunnings on Saturday 8th of June 2024, from 9:00am. We will have a delicious selection of baked goodies along with jams, pickles and handicraft.
Are you delaying the end of year frenzy that is associated with Christmas? Then why not head over to Bunnings at Morisset on Saturday, 2nd December 2023 for a chance to secure some beautiful handmade items. Our members will there with tables laden with wonderful craft items for a unique gift idea. You will not want to pass by the delicious homemade baking and preserves to have ready for festive eating.
Money raised by the Country Women’s Association is turned back into our support of local, regional and international projects. What a better way to share the true meaning of Christmas?
We look forward to saying Hi between 8.30am and 3pm. inside the front door of Bunnings.
Wonderful community involvement today with the CWA Morisset members sorting and packing 51 hospital bags for donation to Wyong Hospital.
These bags provide a little comfort and are much appreciated by patients who find themselves in hospital with no toiletries. Well done ladies.

Our Branch is so proud of one of our newer members, Barb Turnidge for receiving the trophy for the best Travel Journal on Ecuador. Congratulations from us all. Trophy presented by Group President Bev Britton and State International Officer Lyn Braico.
Each year all CWA of NSW members have a selected country to study. Thereby opening up a wonderful insight and gifted knowledge of the world we are a part of. New skills are learnt as the country culinary and handicraft traditions are duplicated at our local branches.
Women Walk The World
April 29th 2020

Wednesday 29th April is Women Walk the World Day. Grab yourself a sponsor at $5 per lap, max. 4 laps to raise money for ACWW (Associated Country Women of the World). Members from other Group Branches and friends are invited to come along.
Meet at Austin Oval, Morisset (near McDonalds) at 9.30 am. Bring a drink and some morning tea for a get together after the walk. Just turn up.